Siege of Sidney Street Playsheet
Designation and Movement
Class 1 Anarchists: move and fire, no deductions Move 12 inches
Class2 Soldiers: move and fire, no
deductions Move 12 inches
(Soldiers are Marksmen for
firing purposes. Four may be classed as Snipers)
Class 3 Police/Detectives: move OR fire Move 8 inches
Assumed to be what they represent, therefore only enter through doors
Within a building,
moving from one floor to another takes one move
All units have a moral factor of 2, test morale each time a casualty is
1 D6, score
equal to or greater than morale factor after modifiers:
In cover +1, retiring -1, Less than 50% original strength -1,
Less than 25% original strength -2
a test results in the unit receiving a marker:
Marker: unit is suppressed, may not advance towards enemy, -1 shooting modifier
2 Markers: unit attempts to retire and
may fire ONLY when fired upon
3 Markers: unit routs, move directly away from
enemy if not possible surrender
Weapons as depicted on the figure
Class 1 and 2 may choose their target, Class 3 fire at nearest enemy.
1 D6 to hit 4,5,6 5,6
Rifle, normal effective
range 0-8inches long range 8-18 inches
marksman 0-12 inches 12-18 inches
sniper 0-18 inches 18-24 inches
Pistol 0-6
inches 6-12 inches
Petrol bomb 0-4
inches n.a.
(If a petrol bomb is
deployed figure pauses and takes fire, if hit the bomb explodes on the spot.
The building is assumed to be on fire; smoke is deployed and added to for each
following move. After four such moves the building has to be vacated.)
Firing from hard cover +1
Target in hard
cover -1
Target obscured or in light cover -1
Arc of fire is 90 degrees, ie
45 degrees either side of the firer’s centre
Anarchists survive and kill all of their
Anarchists succeed in getting at least three figures off the table
following the firefight. Anarchists survive for 12 moves or more.
Authorities kill
or capture all of the Anarchists.